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INT 14h,  1Bh    Return information about the driver

      Entry:  CX         Size of user info buffer in bytes

              DX         Port number

              ES         Segment of user info buffer

              DI         Offset into ES of user info buffer

      Exit:   AX         Number of bytes actually transferred

    Transfer information about the driver and its current status to the user
    for use in determining,  at the application level, limits of the driver.
    Designed to assist  "generic" applications  to adjust to "foreign" gear.

    The data structure currently returned by the driver is as follows (sorry
    but you'll have to live with assembly syntax):

        info    equ     $               ; define begin of structure
        strsiz  dw      info_size       ; size of the structure in bytes
        majver  db      curr_fossil     ; FOSSIL spec driver conforms to
        minver  db      curr_rev        ; rev level of this specific driver
        ident   dd      id_string       ; "FAR" pointer to ASCII ID string
        ibufr   dw      ibsize          ; size of the input buffer (bytes)
        ifree   dw      ?               ; number of bytes left in buffer
        obufr   dw      obsize          ; size of the output buffer (bytes)
        ofree   dw      ?               ; number of bytes left in the buffer
        swidth  db      screen_width    ; width of screen on this adapter
        sheight db      screen_height   ; height of screen    "     "
        baud    db      ?               ; ACTUAL baud rate, computer to modem
        info_size equ $-info

    The ident string should be  null-terminated,  and NOT contain a newline.
    The baud rate byte contains the bits that  Function 00h would use to set
    the port to that speed.

    The fields related to a particular port (buffer size,  space left in the
    buffer,  baud rate) will be undefined if port FFh  or an invalid port is
    contained in DX.

    Additional information will always be passed after these,  so that,  for
    example, offset "sheight" will never change with FOSSIL revision changes.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson